Write, reuse and standardize your content
Every step in the customer journey needs the support of content that achieves its communication goals by being clear, concise, consistent and comprehensible. Irrespective of authoring tool, content type or publishing format, myAuthorAssistant helps you convey your message clearly and unequivocally.

Assisted authoring
myAuthorAssistant is a set of complementary language checking tools, which helps authors harmonize their content with a set of predefined rules and specifications. It includes specific apps for performing three types of check, covering phraseology, terminology and style.
- myTM Checker
Suggests reusing phrases from databases of previously written content. - MyTerm Checker
Checks for forbidden terms and suggests the correct alternatives to ensure consistent use of terminology. This makes technical content clearer and easier to understand, not only for users reading it in the original language, but also for translators tasked with making it available in the languages of your other target markets. - myLanguage Checker
Checks content against grammatical rules, customizable language rules and a readability index. For example, it checks for spelling errors, formal errors of various types, forbidden forms and syntax, inconsistent or unapproved use of punctuation and the length of sentences that do not meet readability criteria.
myAuthorAssistant can be integrated into any authoring environment, and enables content to be checked in real time as it is produced. Alternatively, you can send the completed text to the web app and obtain a report showing the results of each check carried out, together with suggestions on possible improvements you could make.
Why use it?
- To improve content quality
- To ensure style and terminology consistency
- To create a corporate language that is shared across all businesses
- To dispense with superfluous text and information
- Clearer, more comprehensible content for users and translators alike
- Correct, precise terminology that avoids ambiguity
- Enhanced corporate image and brand identity
- Decreased authoring and translation costs
- Streamlined content review and validation cycles

How can Logos help?
Contact us for a quotation or further information.